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Battle Lines (The Ethereal War Book 2)
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Battle Lines
Greg Ballan
Part 2 of HYBRID: The Ethereal War
Battle Lines
Hadrosaur Productions
First Edition
First date of publication: October 2019
Copyright © 2019 Greg Ballan
Cover Art Copyright © 2019 Laura Givens
All rights reserved. The use of any part of this publication reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the publisher, Hadrosaur Productions, is an infringement of copyright law.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any person or persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
Chapter 1: Dueling with the Devil(s)
The archdemon slammed his fist upon the stone table shattering the granite top, sending several ledgers and other documents airborne. Assorted papers fell like autumn leaves covering the tile floor.
"This is the second failure in as many attempts to eliminate the hybrid. How did the sage demon die? It reported that the seraphim guarding the hybrid child was killed and they were unprotected?"
"We don't know, Lord Molec," a nervous man whispered. "We only know that the sage was vaporized by a force that arrived through one of our own portals." The man scratched an unshaved cheek. "Could Lucifer have intervened?"
Molec leaned back in his large chair, fire spewing from his nostrils. "Doubtful. It had to be that accursed hybrid. Somehow he found a way to aid them. Erik Knight, you're becoming more of a pain in my backside than Lucifer or his minions." Molec glanced over at his stolen prize. The powerful demon shook its horned head, the effect of the Ruby Crucifix was penetrating his ectoplasmic shield. Soon the force field would decay under the incomprehensible energy's continuous bombardment and evaporate. At that point, no one save for God or the hybrid child would be able to handle the artifact. The holy relic was useful as a bargaining chip only if it could be hidden away, undetectable.
"We have several other mercenary forces coordinating an assault on Knight and his son. We're hoping that a force of several can overcome the Esper's innate power."
Molec stood, stretching powerful onyx limbs. He gathered a heavy black cloth and cautiously covered the ectoplasmic sphere. "I need to move this trinket to a more secure facility. I can no longer bear its presence."
The man watched Molec carefully wrap the stolen prize. "That is the last Talithum fabric on this planet. Once it's gone we can no longer shield ourselves from the relic. The forces of Light will be able to lock on to its location and reclaim their prize."
Molec spun, demonic flame radiating off his body. "Then marshal enough forces to kill Knight and his puny offspring before that happens. The Ruby Cross is irrelevant if there's no light bearer to use it!"
The nervous human bowed. "As you command, My Lord Molec."
Dawkens' Gym. Milford, MA
Erik watched warily as EJ rolled on the mat with "Little" John. The powerful young man laughed as EJ attempted to execute a hip throw and leg sweep against his massive opponent. Erik smirked, trying to enjoy the moment but his mind kept racing back to the plane crash over France, the attack on his wife and son in their home and the ominous warning given by the mysterious cleric several days ago. The detective cursed himself for involving Charlie Gallagher, but immediately dismissed that as foolish. Gallagher had access to virtually all the information stored around the globe and was an asset he needed to utilize for answers. Erik admitted he wasn't crazy about the revelations contained within those answers but knowing the 'Why' helped rationalize the mind-numbing events of the past week and a half.
"You're brooding again."
He smiled, then half spun around to face a young woman. "Guilty as charged. I'm just trying to put all the pieces together in my head and no matter how much I try and distance myself from the emotional aspects, I can't compartmentalize it. This is just too damn big. I can't rationalize the facts and the data without drowning in a sea of emotional angst."
Alissa placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. Erik told her about the revelations Charlie Gallagher revealed earlier in the week. "I wish I had some comforting words for you, Erik. Truth be told I just don't know what to say. We both sensed something large was looming, but this is more than I ever imagined possible. How does one deal with a deity and the like?"
The moody detective frowned. "Poorly."
Alissa chuckled. "How is Shanda handling all this? I can't imagine her even considering herself the new 'Mary' in this modern holy trinity."
"She's a wreck. She texts and calls me ten times a day to make sure EJ is safe. She doesn't want him at the store because she's afraid some dark force will whisk in and snatch him up in front of her, similar to what happened at the house." Erik rubbed the stubble on his upper lip. "She wants to be with her child but she's afraid she can't protect him from the things that want to harm him. She feels inadequate as a mother and it's eating away at her piece by piece." Erik ran a hand through his long ebony locks. "And it's not doing much for me either." Erik looked directly at her, fear tinged his ice blue eyes. "I don't know if I can protect him either. I'm not afraid of anything physical or even alien, but metaphysical and theological …" Erik bit his lower lip, both hands folded under his chin. "That may be out of my league."
"You beat the wraith, Erik. From what little I've read about demonic entities, that creature is one of the more powerful. If you start doubting yourself, then you've already lost."
"I know, I know. It's almost too much right now, I'll get my hands around it. I have to. There really isn't any other choice." Erik's fists clinched and his jaw set. "Nothing is taking my son; not while I draw breath. That much I know for sure."
Alissa nodded. "Better. I just got off the phone with Mr. Denton. He's at your house checking on the repairs."
Erik's eyebrow raised. "Martin's back from Vatican City?"
"Yes, he just arrived and hoped you were home. He'll be here in a few minutes. I can order some lunch and have it sent to your office if you two need to catch up."
Erik nodded. "Yeah, that'd be perfect. We have a lot to talk about." Erik's phone beeped. "That's Shanda, checking in again."
"Why don't you ask Jeanine at the front desk if she'll scoot down to Shanda's store and watch things for a while? That way Shanda can spend a few hours a day up here with EJ under your watchful eye. She'll feel better seeing him and I'm sure EJ misses his mother."
Erik shook his head. "That's absolutely brilliant! Jeanine ran a huge retail store before she retired. I'm sure she wouldn't mind. I'll run it by Shanda right now.
Erik was wading through a sea of papers when the knock on his office door startled him.
"Erik, thank God you're in one piece." Martin Denton strode through the door.
Erik stood to offer his friend his hand. Denton pushed the hand aside and embraced the detective.
Erik felt the same wave of emotion he experienced at St. Martha's Chapel as he patted his friend on the back. "Martin, it's damn good to see you. Thanks for calling in the cavalry when my plane went down."
Both men sat and Erik described the lethal attack on the DC3 and the attack that occurred simultaneously upon Shanda and EJ. The normally stalwart counselor's body shivered as Erik described his son's transformation into a small, yet lethal Esper hybrid.
"EJ vaporized the demonic entity along with the back half of our house and the tops of two large pine trees." Erik leaned forwa
rd. "I found a fair-sized impression in the yard, close to the trees, from what I can only assume was a body. There was a battle out in the yard, from what Shanda told me they heard. I'm sure some force of Light tried to intervene and was killed. I can only assume that the fallen angel— or whatever type of being—was retrieved once EJ disposed of the dark entity."
Denton rubbed his chin contemplating the incredible tale. "I get a sense of urgency. Things are starting to accelerate. I don't believe in coincidence, Erik. This was a preemptive strike designed to eradicate you before you could come to terms with what's going on around us. Molec wanted to catch you off guard and strike a fatal blow in an attempt to avoid an all-out confrontation. I get the sense this demonic entity doesn't want you involved in the upcoming showdown and sees you as a threat to its overall plan."
Erik sighed as he considered the final tidbit. "Martin there's more."
Denton raised an eyebrow. "Please tell me it's not worse than we already know."
Erik rolled his eyes. "Do you remember Charlie Gallagher?"
"Yeah, he's a retired spook who runs a computer company and makes money selling data from a supercomputer in a reinforced bunker three floors below his business."
Erik's eyes bulged as his head tilted, impressed with his friend's knowledge. Denton smirked. "We know about Gallagher's data mining but if we put the screw to him, he'd retaliate in ways that would bring to light some uncomfortable information. He's got some sort of logic bomb set to go off if he's pushed too far. The firm lets him play 'demigod of data' in his little sand box undisturbed and in return he doesn't poke his nose where we don't want him to. It's kind of a forced détente."
"I'm impressed, Counselor. Gallagher introduced me to an old cleric scholar and our friends in Vatican City have it wrong. This isn't all about me … it's about EJ. The chosen Light Bearer is the son of the 'Son of Adam and the stars'. This is about my son. Molec and Lucifer want to eliminate him. I'm merely an impediment, an obstacle to be overcome, a paternal bodyguard so to speak."
Martin's jaw dropped.
"These ghouls aren't coming for me. They're coming for my son. They want him dead." A tear rolled down Erik's cheek. "My little boy, Martin. They want to kill my little boy." A sob escaped the detective and he clenched his fists choking down the emotion. "Shanda is afraid to be alone with EJ. She's afraid of being attacked again and not being able to protect her son. This is tearing her apart and it's not doing me any good. I can't bring EJ everywhere with me and we certainly can't hide for the rest of our lives."
Denton leaned forward. "Maybe you need to play your part in this war and help end it. You end the war, you end the threat against your son."
"I've thought about that too. The events of the past several days have convinced me I don't have much of a choice, but how do I fight a war with a bunch of evil creepy crawlies waiting to snuff my child's life out like a candle? There has to be some middle ground, some way out of this." Erik leaned back in his chair noisily cracking his knuckles. "I'm in the middle of this shit, Counselor, and when you're in the middle of the forest all you see is the trees with no way out. I need to get to higher ground in order to find a way clear of this mess."
Martin shook his head solemnly. "Erik, my friend, sometimes the forest is too deep and there's just no way out. Sometimes you need help navigating through the thickets. Sometimes there's just no higher ground."
"What would you have me do? Surrender my child to the church or to the devil!" Erik snapped.
"No, Erik, never! You know me better than that. I've got your back no matter what."
Erik sighed, frustrated. "I'm sorry, Martin. You didn't deserve that tirade." He looked toward his friend. "Tell me, what would you do? Would you hide? Would you fight? Would you run?"
Denton took a deep breath. "There's a saying, 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend.' Right now you could use some friends in high places." Denton looked up at the ceiling. "I'm not saying trust implicitly, but having allies to watch your back isn't a bad thing right now."
Erik frowned. "Yeah, I'm inclined to agree with you. I still don't trust them but at this point I need more people on my side." Erik paused looking slightly uncertain. "I'm sorry, Martin. I should have asked this sooner, but…" He hesitated. "The services for William … did they take care of him?"
Denton smiled. "It was a beautiful service, Erik, and thank you for asking. My son has a wonderful final resting place."
Erik nodded. "I'm glad for that. William deserved that and more."
Denton closed his eyes and bowed his head. After a moment he looked up and sniffed. "Were you able to dig up anything on Lazarus?"
Erik shook his head. "No. Honestly, I've been wrapped up with the whole Armageddon's Son revelation. Father Lazarus fell off my radar screen for a while."
"I can't imagine what you're going through. But please know you're not alone. I'll help you any way I can and I know the firm has its hand in the higher conflict. I'm sure they're watching and can deploy assets if needed." Denton sighed. "At least they're fixing up your house."
Erik chuckled. "Yeah. Shanda is grateful for that. Please tell the firm I'm extremely thankful. The crew they have is top notch and they're even enduring Shanda's pestering with good humor."
Erik paused, his head tilted and eyes began to burn an eerie lightning blue. "Something's wrong, very wrong!" Erik shot out of his chair and sprinted down the narrow hallway leading to the large open dojo with Denton on his tail.
Erik's large friend, Little John, was sprawled on the mat, unconscious, blood flowing from his nose and mouth. Another instructor was on the floor, holding her ribs in agony. A tall man in a large leather coat had EJ cornered and reached for the frightened child. Alyssa grasped a 'wall hanger' decorative katana. She held the weapon overhead like a battle axe preparing to attack the stranger's exposed flank. Erik motioned her back. The fearless woman retreated but kept the weapon in a firm grip.
"Get away from him!" The enraged father roared, his voice echoing off every surface.
The man turned, distracted. EJ ran to his father, ducking under the stranger's desperate attempt to grab him, with surprising speed and agility. Erik heard the man hiss and mutter a vile curse. Then he sensed it, as with the Nosferatu—the lack of humanity and the terrifying presence of evil. The hybrid moved with desperate speed, covering the distance separating him from his son. Erik scooped up EJ and retreated several steps from the intruder. He could feel the child trembling.
"It's okay, buddy. Daddy's got you."
Erik's Esper senses shrieked danger. The stranger took a step forward and looked directly at him. Erik could feel the burning intensity as the being probed and studied him. The hybrid focused his will, shielding his mind, forcing the intruder out.
"You are Erik Knight, Esper Warrior and Champion of Light." The being's remark was more of a statement than a question.
As the stranger spoke, he attempted to close the distance separating him from the father and son. The steps were small and barely noticeable but Erik took one step back and pivoted his body using his powerful arms to shield his son. Erik knelt slowly, never taking his eyes off the charcoal black eyes that threatened to burn through him with inhuman intensity. "EJ, you go back with Alissa and Mr. Denton. Daddy and this man have some business to discuss."
"Daddy, he's bad!" EJ whispered, terrified.
"I know son. You let Daddy worry about it." Erik kissed EJ's forehead and placed the child down, his body coiled like a serpent ready to strike if the stranger moved closer. Erik tussled his son's hair, gently prodding him back to the relative safety behind him. "Alissa, take EJ to my office. Counselor," Erik's tone was steel hard as his eyes never left the demonic stranger, "call 911 and get an ambulance for John and Robin. Tell them to send the police too. Tell them we have an unwelcome guest."
"Your police cannot detain me, human. I see you've already ascertained I, like you, am not tethered to this world." The being took a step closer, watching as Alissa led EJ awa
y. He took another step forward.
Erik also advanced, blocking his path and line of sight.
"I've come for the child. Give him to me and you'll be allowed to live … for a while at least. Lucifer will grant you wealth, power and enough women to last you well into your old age. All you have to do is give up your claim to the child and stay out of ethereal matters." The being of darkness slowly slid off the cape-like leather jacket and tossed it on a nearby chair and slowly approached, arms raised slightly.
The being was thin, almost gaunt with pale, flesh. Black veins ran beneath the ivory skin, pulsing rapidly.
Erik took a step back and unzipped his jacket. "I'm afraid I'll have to decline Lucifer's generous offer. I'm a one woman man and wealth doesn't really appeal to me nor does the kind of power you offer." Erik pointed to the door. "Leave, now. You made your offer and I've refused." He tossed his jacket behind him preparing for what he knew would come next. "The boy is my son, and you ethereal assholes can't have him." Erik gestured toward the exit. "Get out of here before you see the less pleasant side of me."
"Arrogant fool! Humans don't give orders or threaten Bartholomew, herald of darkness!" The demon charged forward with lightning speed. Anticipating the charge, Erik used a quick Aikido motion deflecting the demon while adding the force of his own fist. Bartholomew's momentum slammed him through the wall separating the dojo from the rest of the gym. Debris cascaded into the gym area and the demon arose enraged. His eyes burned with an inhuman hate.
"You dare strike me!" A bony hand extended a finger, firing a searing beam of orange and red flame.
Coiled muscle exploded as the hybrid leapt aside. Burning pain scalded his mind as the flesh on his right shoulder charred and the hair on the side of his head burnt away. Erik came up from his defensive roll, his scalp smoking and eyes burning blue suns. Blue fire bathed the hybrid's arms. He launched twin plasma orbs at the enraged demon. The bioorganic energy slammed into milk-white demonic flesh, filling the air with a stink of burning sulfur and brimstone.